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Monday, July 7, 2014

Jamberry Consultant

I am so excited to announce that I am now officially a Jamberry consultant.  I have been praying about it and am so happy to finally get going!  
I love fingernail polish (it is my weakness) every time I go in Walgreen's or Walmart I buy a new bottle!  Between teaching, housework, gardening, and just doing stuff in general I do my nails at least once a week and most weeks two times!  

Well, someone on Instagram was offering free Jamberry samples so I decided to get one.  I got it in the mail and put it on, it lasted for 10 days  (I'll have my samples before long, just e-mail me with your address and I'll be glad to send you one!)There are 100's to choose from and there are lots of colors and styles.  

Each sheet is $15.00 and if you buy 3 you get 1 free.  I'm new to all of this, so I'm working my way through, but there is a great support system out there and all of the Jamberry consultants have been great! 

Anyway, if you're at all interested I'll be glad to fix you up! 
I am going to host a party and if you would like to order my consultant page is: http://shannonellis.jamberrynails.net

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