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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Freezing Squash and Making Pepper Sauce

So I've been picking squash for about 2 weeks now.  My freezer is filling up with squash!  (In about a week it'll be peas!)
 So I pick my squash and here they are after I brought them inside! (Of course there are a few peppers and one lonely tomato.)
 I cut off the ends of the squash, slice them, put them in a pot and cover them with water. Then I bring them to a boil.  After they come to a boil I usually just turn them off and leave them covered until they cool enough for me to put them in the refrigerator.  I leave them there over night. (Usually just because I don't want to fool with them anymore for the day!)  
The next day after they have cooled ;) I bag them up in freezer bags (depending on the size of your family as to how much you put in the Ziploc bag).  I have a 13 year old son who likes squash so I usually put about 3 cups to a bag.  I drain most of the water off of the squash before bagging it up.  Then I freeze it...easy as pie! :)
 Now on to the peppers!  This is REALLY easy!!!!  I pick the peppers (kind of like Peter Piper).  Then I cut off the ends, slice them, put them in a jar and cover them with vinegar.  I keep adding pepper to the jar as I pick them and until the jar is full.  The vinegar preserves it, so I don't worry about sealing the jars.  

 These peppers will be really good with the peas that will be ready in a couple of weeks!  I'm so ready for some fresh peas!

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