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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Brown Sugar Body Scrub

I'm always wanting to try new things.  I love body scrub, I love the way it makes my skin feel, but I don't like to buy it...it's usually pretty expensive.  

Well, I decided to explore Pinterest and find a recipe for body scrub.  I found one, imagine that!  Heehee!

I mixed up my first batch (a double batch), put it in 2 containers and used it all up!!!!  It did take me about 6 weeks to use it all and it was AMAZING!!!!!

I have been out for a couple of weeks and yesterday I mixed up some more, I couldn't find my recipe from the first batch so I just winged it, and it went a little like this:

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2/3-1 cup baby oil 

I mixed it in a Gelato Ice Cream jar. I like the way the jar looks, and it has a screw on lid.  It's also a good excuse to buy and eat Gelato...I need the containers so I can give away my body scrub as gifts!

The first time I mixed it up I used Olive Oil.  I think the Olive Oil moisturizes your skin better, but I don't like the way it smells, I smelled like I was about to bake or something.  I definitely like the way the baby oil smells much better!  You could also add lavender, vanilla, or some other scent if you wanted.

I love the way it makes my skin feel and it's just as good as any I've bought from the store and it literally only took me about 5 minutes to mix up.  

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