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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Back to School

Well, it's that time!  We've had 2 months off with our families, to get caught up on some much needed housework, cleaning out closets, painting, "spring" cleaning...you name it, we get it done during the summer, but now it's time to start back over!


Most people make their New Year's Resolutions in January.  I think it would be safe to say that most TEACHERS, however, make theirs in August.  This is our new year, this is when we get a fresh start.  Starting over is not easy sometimes, but it is refreshing.  The beauty of starting over is you can do that anytime.  We don't have to wait for a certain time of the year to start over.  I love the verse in Psalms where David says Your mercies are new EVERY morning! That is a beautiful verse, because no matter what we've done or how we've messed up, the Lord forgives and lets us start over when we ask for forgiveness!   


This year, as I contemplate my resolutions, I want to be a better person.  
So here are some resolutions:  
1.  Don't wear my feelings on my sleeve. 
 *Now this is much easier said than done.  People offend us and we get our feelings hurt.  

Proverbs 19:11King James Version (KJV)  The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.  It is in our best interest to pass over a transgression and defer our anger.  Biblically speaking we are not supposed to be easily angered or easily offended.  Look at what Christ did for us!  What right do we have when Jesus did so much for us and forgives us?

Lord, please help me to not be easily offended and angered by the things that go on or that people do and say.  Help me to be a light and always have a smile!  

2.  Don't be so judgemental.
*I encounter alot of different people.  Sometimes I am guilty of thinking, "They could do better."  As JP's brother says in his sermons, "They can't do better, they don't have any do better in them."  We as Christian people can do better, but the lost world can't do better.  They don't know any better, it's our job to show them to Christ so they can know and do better.  Until we reach the world for Him it is going to continue to be a dark place with sin abounding everywhere!  Sin already abounds in the believers life, and we have the Holy Spirit convicting us and telling us to STOP!  Imagine not having that, what keeps the lost person from stopping their sin?  NOTHING!  It's our job to point them to the cross so Christ can break their chains of sin.  

Lord, please help me to remember that we live in a lost world and help me to see the lost and point them to YOU!  

3.  Be a better witness.
*My last resolution is that I pray that the Lord will help me be a shining light for Him.  That when people see my attitude, my actions, and my reactions that they would see Him shining in me.  I can't lead people to Christ if I am not acting or behaving in a way that makes them want what I've got.

Matthew 5:16King James Version (KJV) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Lord, please help me in this new school year to be like you.  To love and help and be a witness and a shining light in our world.

OK, so now it's time to get up and get going!  Let's get it done!!!!

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